Sunday, May 29, 2016

Melodies with Ruth B.

Sunday Brunch

I hope you're having an amazing Sunday my friends...Whether you're attending worship services, sleeping in, or even working.  Whatever you're doing, make the most of it and enjoy just being "alive."  There's an extraordinary week of things to come...and you must enjoy this day first...before treading through the next leg of life's journey.  Have brunch this Sunday...and let your heart soar with the thoughts of great possibilities for a wonderful week.  You are at your BEST when you think the best thoughts before taking action!  As always...keep it positive!


Waiting on things in life can take forever and it takes so much patience just to do so.  We become so anxious and can't see the light at the end of the tunnel but there's no other choice but to wait.  The thing we must remember though is to be content with the space that we're in.  I oftentimes become so anxious and then I have to remind myself to calm down, get into a quiet space of peace so that I can be content with my life.  Soon after, something happens whether it's a new window of opportunity or a great change in my life that challenges me to be a better person.  They say that patience is a virtue, but there must be peace and contentment to go along with it.  If you're waiting on something...remember to get quiet, get still, and relax...something great is about to take place.  Ahhh...take a deep breath and believe.  Be patient.
Flowers take time to grow...they need nurturing and then something wonderful manifests.  Wait for it!  ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Good Vibes

Most people that know me know that I love my jazz, especially smooth jazz.  Lately, I've been trying to listen to artists who I've not heard of before.  There are so many new jazz artists that barely get played on the radio or get public exposure.  I think people who like music including jazz, should support music and the artists who are trying to share their gifts with the world.  My world is always filled with jazzy notes and I appreciate those who keep bringing us the melodies...yes...easy listening. 
Good music...good vibes!
What's your fave music genre?

Can We Auto-Correct Humanity?

Good Reads

I hope you've scouted you a good book to read or even listen to these days.  Here's one of the books I'm reading right now.  It seems to be pretty good, though I'm just getting into it.  I find that a good book helps our imaginations grow and strengthens our minds.  I encourage you to take some time out from your busy days and just read...Happy Reading Friends!

When You Believe by Deborah Bedford


Here's a weekend dreamscape just for you...Happy Travels!  London Bridge... :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Epiphany Tuesday

It's funny how some thoughts and ideas come to you all at once.  You can pray for guidance, search for answers, and research different things just to come back to square one, however every now and then "it" comes.  Your epiphany can arrive very spontaneously and then you're asking yourself why didn't you think of it sooner.  You really shouldn't focus on that part, but instead focus on the epiphany itself.  It has arrived to grant you wisdom and sometimes your next move.  Be happy for your epiphany, especially in the fact that finally came.  Stay motivated, creative, and be patient if you haven't gotten the epiphany that "wakes" you.  I wish you the best as you search for answers to your new discoveries, dreams, and ideas... Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Refreshing Rain

Tonight is one of those nights that is rainy and quiet.  I like to think that the rain is God's way of cleansing the earth and how we need cleansing too.  There are certain ways to cleanse our spirits such as crying, prayers, and meditations.  These things for me personally, leave me feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused.  I hate crying but I believe that the body needs it every once in a while, almost like a "healing" in itself.  The heart and mind has to be healed and transformed in order for us to change into who we are meant to be.  Tonight I'll relax, sip my tea, and listen to the sound of the sweet and refreshing rain...What do you think of when it's raining?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Just Me!

Yes, I had so much fun enjoying my weekend and of course my Mother's Day.  I'm so grateful...and blessed.  This past weekend was really quiet and relaxed too.  It was a great day to rock my little halter maxi dress...Ahhh...yes!

Night Time Reflections

It's funny what we think of at night.  Nights can be quiet and very serene which makes it a good time for meditations, prayers, or just plain relaxing.  I remember being on a cruise once...and I walked outside and all I could see was darkness on the water, and the sky, sprinkled with just a few stars.  Everything was so still and quiet...In fact the only thing that was lit up was the lights from the ship I was on.  I kept thinking to myself how far from home I was and how I was so at peace with myself and God.  I could feel God's great presence and though I was somewhat scared to look at the world from that perspective, I was still glad to know that something out there was so much greater than myself.  All my goals and dreams felt closer because I stopped and acknowledged God and the masterpiece of art He has created in the world in which we dwell.  Hmmm...what are your reflections as of late?  Think about it...Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Atonement Chat

So over the weekend I had the chance to catch up on some Netflix and among the movies I watched was Atonement.  The movie stars Keira Knightley...and I have to say it was pretty good.  It's based on the novel by Ian McEwan.  I had heard of it back in the day, but wasn't inspired to watch it.  Anyway, I'm recommending it as a good movie to provoke some analytical thinking.  If you decide to watch it or have ever seen it or read the book for that matter...Let me know your thoughts on it.  Oh yeah, by the way Keira Knightley was stunning in this as usual and I enjoyed the period dress of the 1930's. 

Creative Spaces

A creative space means a lot to people who are trying to express their inner thoughts.  I think that a space decorated to your taste and is infused with your art, sewing, or basic writing supplies can inspire your creativity.  Some of us create from our bedrooms to our kitchen tables.  Search for your creative space and make it yours.  This will be a place for creative and positive energy.  Surround it with all the things you love...but remember the focus is to simply enjoy and create.  If you share your space with others, be considerate and pick something simple and beautiful that energizes'd be surprised with what a plant or splash of color can do!


Today is Monday...the beginning of such an amazing week.  Ok, yeah so I claim it already...anyway enjoy this little dreamscape and tickle your fancy or fantasy!

Journal Writing

Last year I tried to do journal entries every day, however I'm finding that this year I'm a little more lenient on myself.  I used to beat myself up for not being consistent but I think that as long as you're completing something throughout the week, you can give yourself a pass.  Journaling is my thing but I know life happens and I get extremely busy.  I like journaling because it helps me to refocus on my goals.  How do you journal, or do you journal at all?  Whether it's journaling or whatever, just keep it up...and don't plan it so much.  As long as you get it done, you're still being consistent enough.  Happy Journaling!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Where Would We Be Without Mom's?

I'm so grateful to be counted in a community called motherhood.  Without mom's who care for so many, the world would be devastating.  God's love has created beauty and joy in beings that we celebrate as mothers.  We are not mother's just because we have children, but we are mother's because we have compassion and an ability to love others around us.  Mothering a child or even an adult that doesn't belong to us doesn't matter, because we just want and hope the best for many.  We strive to teach, nurture, and encourage people that come into our world without being asked.  We love to serve and build up our community and we are strong beyond measure.  Thanks to all the mom's around the world and to all the women who "act" as mom to is your DAY!!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Happy Friday!


It's on me as usual so make this dreamscape your reality tonight...Enjoy!

Getting It Right

We all have our preconceived notions of what our lives should be but we must live in our reality and accept what life actually is.  So often we try to "get it right" but who says what is right?  I think we should stop trying to get it right and live each day one moment at a time.  Our lives are our own and there is no need for us to get it right, however we should make better choices and better decisions.  Getting it right should not cause us to compromise our morals and values either.  As long as there is a genuine focus on appreciating where we are and who we are...we can live well.  Happy Friday my friends!  Find something today to celebrate...I know I will!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Up Hill Battle || Spoken Word || Kamal Hyman

Get This Off My Chest || Spoken Word

Artist of the Day

Robert Motherwell

Robert Motherwell was one of the New York School's abstract expressionist's.  He used bold and graphic images in his paintings.  His visual art has always stood out to me because of the bold images and made me think of symbols and tribal art.  Strong, bold images can speak to us in different ways.  Some may say it's overpowering and intimidating, while others might say it's just what the world needs.  I've always been intrigued with abstract art because it makes you think...hmm.  Check out Motherwell's other paintings in your spare time and embrace the modern art in your world.

Robert Motherwell:  "At Five In the Afternoon"

Alexander Wang Style

The fashion world has plenty to buzz about regarding Alexander Wang!  Wang is creating style that is edgy, graphic, and fun.  His designs are wearable and not just pretty to look at.  His imagination has brought us handbags, clothing, and even furniture.  I believe his products are noteworthy and fashion is in real need of his creations.  It will be interesting to see what he brings to fashion this and wait!

Come What May!

May brings us more flowers in full bloom.  These blooms are a symbol of growth, progress, and beauty and let's us know that life goes on.  We must be willing to put things that do not promote us behind us.  I like to surround myself with people who celebrate me so that I feel inspired to grow, prosper, and charge forward.  If I'm weighted down with the talk of ridicule of others, I can't be me and I don't feel that it's in my best interest.  I have to be willing to live in my own space, gain clarity of the things I want to achieve in life and seek after them.  It's up to me to keep my peace and create my own happiness and come what may...this is what I shall continue to do.  Think the best and become your best my friends!