Saturday, June 25, 2016

Creating Balance

Oftentimes we find ourselves at a crossroads with our decision making and priorities.  It's hard to juggle school, work, family, and all of the extracurricular activities.  These added responsibilities might involve coaching little league, leading a girl scout troop, or even participating in the hobbies we love.  Some individuals even hold local political office positions, may be school board members, or church officials.  Our daily activities take so much of our time and we have to find ways to balance them out.  If we don't balance our lives, we can easily become angry or stressed. 

Chaotic living can also lead to anxiety and depression.  Take time to figure out what's important and seek out harmony within your life.  If your mind isn't at peace, then it's a good chance you're biting off more than you can chew.  If you're in over your head don't feel pressured by not saying "no" and taking on more.  It's necessary for you to gain balance and control over your life.  Don't worry about what you think that others might say or do, but only focus on what you're willing to do in your own life.  Make yourself happy by dropping a few things that are weighing you down.  Be unapologetic and protect your peace and happiness as much as possible and willing to fight to create balance in your world. 

What things are you doing in order to create harmony in your life? 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Keep Dreaming

Everyone has dreams whether it's dreams that they haven't had the opportunity to pursue or dreams that they plan to embark on in the future.  I believe it's so important to have dreams.  One of the first things I learned from my parents is that I was allowed to have dreams.  My life has been centered around these dreams.  Also, the choices that I make are always influenced by the dreams and aspirations that I have for myself. 
Sometimes things don't always work out the way I plan, but I still keep going because of my dreams are what drives me.  There are people and things that can break a person's spirit and throw them off course, but I feel that if that person can hold onto their dream, then they have a fighting chance to bounce back.  The more dreams you have the more you have to look forward to in this life.  Plan your path and let God guide the steps to your dreams and whatever you do, just keep dreaming.

Retail Therapy

I know that many believe that retail therapy is an issue because individuals usually impulse buy when they engage in it, however I can see how it helps them feel better about themselves.  For instance, buying yourself something nice every now and then can lead to instant cheerfulness.  When someone treats you bad or you're feeling down, I think it's good to spoil yourself a little as long as you don't go overboard.  Also, I'm not saying this because I happen to be a woman, because I know some people say women only use retail therapy, but I beg to differ.  Anyway, I say you have to spoil yourself every once in awhile because if you don't lift yourself up, nobody else will.  No one is responsible for your happiness but you.  Although with anything, do it all in moderation.  Know your limits and never go overboard or use retail therapy as an excuse to impulse buy.  Soooo...happy shopping and get yourself a little something sweet!
What are your thoughts on retail therapy?  Have you ever used retail therapy to make yourself feel special?  Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Hooray for Dad's

I have to admit Father's Day was busy for me so I was unable to post because it was actually my daughter's birthday as well.  Needless to say my family was in celebration mode, however I didn't want this month to pass without acknowledging the tremendous way my Dad influenced my life.  My Dad has shown great strength and ignited my love for knowledge, art, and creativity.  I love him dearly and am so glad that he and I have always been kindred spirits.  He has encouraged my mother to pursue her dreams as well as his offspring.  We are so blessed to know him and even now when I call home, he gives me spiritual guidance and a joke or two of course.  Father's are a vital part of any community.  Though, I said it on Father's Day to everyone I came across...thanks to all the Dad's around the world for making a difference in their families...and especially to mine!

Artist of the Day

Arshile Gorky

Visual artist Arshile Gorky was profound in his abstract art.  His paintings involved his expression of Armenian life especially with his work on he and his mother during his early life.  As a Turkish-American painter, he still managed to contribute to modern art in an extraordinary way.  He may not be as famous as others, however he helped to create modern art as we know it.  He mastered modern art from the master's like Picasso which helped him to develop his own artistic style.
 Though Gorky had experienced much grief in his life, his contributions have shaped American modern art.

Get Organized

So earlier this year I made an effort to start organizing those little spaces in my home that get no attention but still manage to warrant chaos.  My pantry was so chaotic that it became an eye sore and my family could barely find anything.  If chaos is around you, you definitely can't feel your best so I decided to do something about it.  I took on the project one Saturday and improved my surroundings.  I felt so much lighter and proud that I had accomplished this task.  Again, it's the little things that can make us happy and give us the strength to take on the tougher tasks.  Start organizing your life and see how much better you can feel.  Start with the smaller tasks and work your way up, just get organized one way or another.  You can check out the before and after photos.


This week I had the privilege of listening to one of my fave YouTubers, Taren Guy give a spiritual testimony.  I thought it was very profound and transparent of her to share her spiritual journey.  I applaud anyone who is seeking a higher purpose for themselves and trying to figure out their spiritual relationship with God.  I believe testimonies can inspire tremendously.  What we share can have an impact on so many and is bigger than us.  Here's the link if you want to check it out.

Spiritual Cleansing

Do you ever feel the need to cease from partaking of certain things or continuing particular habits?  Every once in awhile I find myself wanting to get away from things that no longer serve me in a good way.  I may stop eating junk food, watching television, or participating in social media.  These things can stifle creativity, positive thinking, and drain your energy.  If we refrain from these daily habits, it can actually be a good thing.  We can then decide to try replacing them with good habits like exercising, eating healthier, reading, drawing, or writing.  I feel better about myself when I do things healthier for my body such as not drinking soda, doing yoga, and eating better.  These things have been spiritually cleansing for me.  I'm not saying you have to take these giant leaps to improve your life, but recognize that it's the small changes that we make that improves us from the inside out.  When we feel well, we do well.  It's important for me to take a step back every now and then so that I can began feeling good about myself daily.  Keep feeding your mind, body, and spirit the good stuff every chance you get, for you will reap the benefits of spiritual cleansing.

New Beginnings

Here's a cheer for new beginnings.  I know I talk about new beginnings all the time but that's because I believe that they are imperative for us in life's journeys.  If you always look over your shoulder about your past and live daily thinking that you can't overcome it, then you've set yourself up for failure.  You have to begin each day wakening with a renewed sense of self, and where your focus lies.  You also need to be grateful that you have a new opportunity to change your circumstances and acknowledge the blessings you do possess.  The weekend is almost here again, and I hope we all are looking at each day as a new beginning to reassess the things we want out of this life.  Thank God for giving us this wonderful opportunity to make a difference within ourselves and the others we come in contact with.  In the words of Don Cornelius...Love, Peace, and Soul my friends.  Enjoy your day and living and your glorious "being."
What are you doing to change your circumstances?  Can you evaluate how far you've come and be thankful where you are now?  Are you making a difference in someone else's life?  Are you taking the time to love yourself?  Ask yourself these questions as you awaken to new possibilities and build on your foundation of self-love and forgiveness.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Time!

I hope everyone is starting off the first few days of Summer with excitement.  I know I'm looking forward to backyard barbecue's, family game nights, pool fun, vacationing, and some lazy days of lounging and eating cool treats, and drinking lemonade.  If you didn't start your year of journaling and reading.  Summer provides you the opportunity to get into it.  Make plans, dream, and dig deeper into your thoughts about the things you want to do in your life.  This Summer, be sure to take time out to do keep cool and enjoy!

Friday, June 17, 2016

A Little Weekend Music...Chrisette Michele - Love Is You

Movie Night

I'm definitely recommending this movie because it causes one to think about our world and society as we know it.  Some books cause you to watch movies...this movie instead, made me want to read the book.  If you could create your own world...what would it look like or feel like?  Check this out over the weekend and let me know what you think if you haven't seen it before. Oh take away and what I know for sure is:  Feelings, emotions, and especially LOVE will always be important to the human spirit.

Weekend Vibes

Hopefully you feel good about yourself today?  It's Friday evening and now the weekend begins.  There's something about Friday that makes you feel like you've accomplished a full week of progress and now it's time to relax...but do we really relax?  You have to wind down and enjoy something for a change.  Maybe this is your week to go out dancing, watch a new movie, try a new food, or even cook something new.  Whatever it is just enjoy doing it because after all Monday will come so I suggest you be a little more adventurous this weekend and "try" doing something a little out of the norm.  Pool your resources and explore...and get your weekend vibe ON!!!  Happy Friday's to an amazing weekend!

Sunday, June 12, 2016


The aesthetics of such a beautiful location:  You can thank me later...mmmhhmm...Alaska is our dreamscape of the day!

Good Mornings

I have a new coffee mug that my daughter picked out for me.  It has "good morning gorgeous" written across it.  It's amazing how these simple little things can make you feel good about yourself and change your mood.  I like facing my day with sweet little affirmations to make my day go smoother and remind me who I am and what I want to achieve in life.  What do you do that makes your days run smoothly?  What are you doing to liven up yourself and create?  Look for the small things that make you smile and transition into your "beautiful" self and live your moments with positive vibes.  Here's to good mornings friends...Happy Sunday!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Movie Talk

I watched "The Letters" over the weekend and I thought about how Mother Theresa, as the world came to know her had served the poor so diligently.  This woman devoted her life to a work because of what God had lead her to do.  Though opposition arose from many around her, she still wanted to serve.  She expected it and prepared herself for it, but she never ceased from striving to do her work.  As in most great work, it comes with a price.  Even as a young woman, she sacrificed much and this story proves that she was still disheartened and lonely just as everyone gets which showed her humane and feminine side.  I respect her more as an individual because oftentimes when we promote individuals and their heroic deeds, we do not look at the down side of their sacrifices and real feelings.  Check the movie out when you get the chance...and ask yourself as I much are you really willing to sacrifice to continue "your" work and get the job done?  Mother Theresa is a good example and has always inspired me.  Hopefully, this movie will inspire you too.



The weather is beautiful and this is your view...Enjoy this midweek dreamscape friends on such a gorgeous hump day!