Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Five Ways to Stay Motivated

Five Ways to Stay Motivated:

There are days when one can dread getting out of bed and taking on the tasks of the world, however there are ways to get you going.  Here's a quick list of things that you can do to get you back on track!

1.  Exercise-A quick morning exercise routine like yoga or a brisk run or walk can bump up your mood and make you feel good about yourself.  Exercise also gets your blood and heart rate pumping and gives you added momentum!

2.  Dress Up-This is also an instant motivational method when you can dress in your favorite outfit and give yourself a new outlook on life.  When you look great, you usually feel great! 

3.  Affirmations-Keep a journal of daily affirmations and you can read them whenever you need a word of motivation.  There are also great apps that sends a new affirmation to your phone each day to lift your spirits.  Check out everydayaffirmations.org for some great positive quotes!  Look no further than your own "self" for encouragement!

4.  Eat-This sounds simple but we forget about our favorite things to do especially our favorite foods when we are ridden with dread and don't feel like ourselves.  Be sure to eat or drink one of your favorite foods.  Personally, my favorite food always gives me something to look forward to and enjoy!

5.  Plan-Get into the habit of planning your tasks in order to ensure that you are ready for the challenges of life.  When you feel organized and in control, you're less likely to feel as if life is too chaotic for you to deal with.  At the end of each day...list and go over the major tasks that you want to get accomplished the following day.  When you organize and prioritize, you become more in control of the things that may seem to weigh you down.  You have the power to DO Something...so plan ahead and the more you get done, the better you'll feel!

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